The Chosen :: A Buffy virtual series continuation

The original concept for "Ex Post Facto" was going to see Faith tracking down and dealing with a rogue Slayer – a girl who was most assuredly not using her powers for good. About the only thing that survived to the final version of EPF was the fact that it was Faith-centric. When I sat down to actually begin the episode, I realized that it wasn't working. At all. In any respect. I'm really glad that it didn't for a few reasons. The primary being that really, our Big Bad for the season is all about Slayers abusing their powers. It's not the focus, but it's definitely an aspect. The second reason being that I was forced to completely rethink EPF, and I think it's a much, much stronger episode as a result.

The scene below came to me as I was trying to force the episode into cooperating with me. I got this flash and saved it in a separate file, in case I decided to go with the original episode concept. Didn't happen, but the file survived, and now makes its way here. And I find it amusing that this explanation is bigger than the scene itself.

It doesn't end. Sure, today it's all fun an' games, but in a minute you'll hurt someone. Maybe even kill ‘em.

So what if I do?

You can't kill people!

(Shrugging) Why not?

Because it's wro—

Because it's wrong? Oh god, please tell me that's not the best you've got. All this talkin', all these pretty words, an' the best argument you've got is ‘Because it's wrong'? What makes it wrong, Faith? Do you even know?

It's ... It's ... We don't have a right. People got a right to live. We don't got one for stoppin' it.

Don't we? Way I see it, I got all the right I need. (She crushes something to dust.) See, I did some time at school, I learned some stuff. That evolution guy, I think he made a pretty good case. Survival of the fittest. You an' me, Faith? We're the fittest.

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  Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all such related things, © Mutant Enemy and many other people with big scary lawyers.
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